Vacuuming, bombed and treated animals

QuestionsCategory: Flea InfestationsVacuuming, bombed and treated animals
Lydia Bowen asked 8 years ago

i have been vacuuming daily , bombed, and all of my animals have been treated. It has been about 2 2 weeks. Today I saw a flea on the bedroom floor which is hardwood… but I have been keeping the animals out of the bedroom. This may sound crazy but because they are treated, should I let them in so that the fleas will die if they are bitten ? I have not found any fleas on any of the animals thanks so much. 

1 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 8 years ago


It’s not a crazy question. If the pets are properly treated, it may be a good idea to let them back into the room so they acquire the emerging fleas, and the fleas then die. Most of the flea eggs accumulated in areas where the pets frequently visited. By granting pets access again, they will go to their favorite areas and help force the cocooned adults there to emerge (heat and pressure indicate a host is resting on the cocoon and triggers emergence).

Warm regards,
