when to vacuum

QuestionsCategory: Flea Infestationswhen to vacuum
helpneeded asked 7 years ago

I have been reading a lot about this topic as our dog has fleas. We took her to the vet who treated her and gave us a spray to use on the carpet/rugs mycodex plus). We haven’t seen any fleas in the house or on the dog since the visit to vet. I have been laundering and vacuuming like crazy. Once I vacuumed the carpet and rugs I sprayed. I am confused as to whether or not I vacuum those areas again and spray again or just the the spray work.  Thanks

1 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 7 years ago

There have been a few studies that show dry vacuuming doesn’t significantly reduce the residual effect of insecticides on carpets. You should be good to vacuum them. However, wet carpet cleaning and steam cleaning can reduce the efficacy of sprays.
