When will they be gone. I need calming down

QuestionsCategory: Flea InfestationsWhen will they be gone. I need calming down
Jwillis asked 8 years ago

Hi we recently found fleas on our lab. About 20 we didn’t know what to do so went outside and picked them off. He took a Bob Martin tablet on the Saturday night. Another on the Monday and one on the Wednesday. On the Thursday we went to the vets and he was given a bravecto. Looks like the best thing on the market. He’s been clear since. We put tubs of washing up liquid in every room. Spray igr – acclaim and another one everyday and hoovered twice a day. We keep finding them though. Not a huge amount. Maybe 5 per day in the tubs. But I feel so violated when I find one on me. How far off do you think we are till normality? It will be 2 weeks tomorrow since we found them. But the dog is perfectly clear now it’s just the house. 

HeatherK replied 8 years ago

Hi Jwillis,
How is your progress? Have you noticed the population decreasing? I’m trying to find light at the end of the tunnel since we are at the beginning part of this nightmare.

1 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 8 years ago


It sounds like you’re on the right path. It will take around 8 weeks before you stop seeing fleas. Sometimes it may take longer, especially in extreme infestations.

Basically you are just waiting for the immature stages in the environment to emerge and die. The life cycle from egg to adult takes 17-26 days. But cocooned adults can enter into a quiescent state for up to 5 months. This can prolong the infestation. Heat and pressure trigger emergence, so vacuuming is a good way to speed up the eradication.

Hope this helps.

