Where do adult fleas live after the pets have been removed?

QuestionsCategory: Flea InfestationsWhere do adult fleas live after the pets have been removed?
Julie asked 6 years ago

We adopted a cat, and didn’t realize that he had fleas until after our other two cats got infested. We are treating the pets as well as the house. The cats are staying with a relative for the time being, until we get our house under control. Our flea traps regularly catch 100 + fleas each night (we have two traps in each room), and my poor kids keep getting bitten. The cats have been out of the house for about a month, and today went to stay at a relative’s house across town. They’ve been treated but my kids play outside and I’m afraid they will pick up more fleas with the cats hanging around still. 
Anyway, the cats used to sleep on my daughter’s bed, so after reading this site, it makes sense that dormant flea pupae are emerging and biting her. I read they won’t stay on humans, just bite them and then leave, so where do the adult fleas hang out when the pets have been removed? Like after they bite a person, you see them, and they jump away, where do they prefer to live? I know the pupae like the base of the carpet, but what about the adults when there’s no pet present? 

1 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 5 years ago


Sorry for the late response. The adults will seek a new host, and if they can’t find one they will starve to death within about a week. See this page.
