Flea problem ongoing

QuestionsCategory: Flea InfestationsFlea problem ongoing
Riley13 asked 6 years ago

I live on the second story of an apartment and it is just me and my cat. I used to take him on walks but then I found flea dirt and they vet said he has fleas( luckily they said it wasn’t a bad infestation). I got him on revolution and gave him two baths so far. I have washed EVERYTHING more than I can remember. I have vacummed every day for a month. I have bisseled the carpet and sprayed my whole apartment and furniture and patio with flea spray twice now. But every day I will still see him itch or chew a spot on him so I will flea comb him and get a live flea. I just don’t undertake why they keep ending up on him and I am feeling hopeless and don’t know what else to do at this point:( please help!

1 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 6 years ago


It usually takes at least 8 weeks (sometimes longer) for infestations to resolve. This is because eggs are laid on the host, but they aren’t sticky so they fall into the environment within a few hours of being laid. Immature stages develop unseen in the environment, often deep within carpets. Vacuuming and insecticides can help eliminate these fleas faster, but many of the fleas will survive. It will take some patience while you wait for these stages to mature, emerge, and die. Luckily, the emerging adults should die soon after jumping onto your Revolution-treated cat. They shouldn’t survive long enough to mate and reproduce.

I apologize for the delayed response. I hope your problem is diminishing, if it isn’t resolved at this point.

