Flea source and solutions for pregnant woman?

QuestionsCategory: Flea InfestationsFlea source and solutions for pregnant woman?
aig88 asked 7 years ago

we noticed some flea bites about 3 days ago. We have no pets and have no idea where they could be coming from. 
We have lived in this same apartment for over a year and a half now.
we do have a garage under the apartment and there may be mice there. Could they have migrated to us from mice?
i get bitten a lot so they seem to be human fleas. 
We vacuumed, sprayed with flea spray ( from pet store, natural cedar wood and eugenol type brands).
i am pregnant and have a 2 year old in the home, so I have to be very careful what I use.
what do you suggest we should do next? What is likely the source of this pest? Did we just pick it up somewhere?
we saw about 5 fleas a day and I got about 10 bites on each foot and all over my body. After we vacuumed and sprayed, we saw less of them. But they seem to be in the car as well… 
ease advise us on the best method, keeping in mind  more health conscious alternatives. Thanks you!

1 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 7 years ago


The fleas could be coming from a mice infestation. If they are rodent fleas, they probably won’t be completely gone until the mice are completely gone.

It is also possible you are dealing with human fleas (P. irritans). Here is an answer I wrote with how to identify human fleas.

It may be wise to hire a pest control specialist to come out so they can identify the flea species and potential host. Then they could offer solutions for mice as well.

The most recommended course of action would be to vacuum regularly and to spray an insect growth regulator (IGR). The common IGR ingredients are pyriproxyfen (Nylar) and methoprene (Precor). IGRs mimic a natural insect hormone that regulates development. Exposed eggs and larvae can’t reach adulthood. IGRs last 7 months indoors. They are considered safer than traditional insecticides because they specifically target insect hormones. Martin’s IGR is a good size for indoor use.

Unfortunately, I’ve never found any scientific literature that backs up the claims that essential oils have any efficacy in controlling fleas.

If there are fleas in your car, then they can be killed by leaving your car out in the summer heat. More info here on Does Heat Kill Fleas?

I hope this helps!
