Garage and fleas

QuestionsCategory: Flea InfestationsGarage and fleas
WebAndNetdotcom asked 6 years ago

After working in cluttered garage for an hour, shocked to discover 25 fleas on my orange-colored, rough-textured fabric shirt!   Only a few on my slacks.    Upper body never came within 18 inches of the ground.   

I can see how rough-textured-fabric might be appealing to fleas.    Is orange-coloring attractive?

Also, why might fleas be hiding on higher surfaces?  Garage has concrete floors with cracks.

After vacuuming the floor, closing off pest entries, and flea-bomb-fumigating, any tips on garage flea-riddance?   

Thank you for your excellent workmanship on  this website!

2 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 6 years ago


Sorry to hear about the fleas in your garage.

Strange how the fleas were predominately on your shirt. The rough texture may have made it easier for the fleas to attach onto the fabric. Fleas are covered with spines and bristles that help them lodge into animal fur after jumping. This likely helped them cling to your shirt as well. Orange isn’t particularly attractive to fleas, according the studies that have been done. Here is more information on what colors attract fleas.

The mystery as to why fleas are on the higher surfaces is going to be related to the host. Fleas wouldn’t be in the garage without an infested host living there. The host is probably spending time in higher locations and dropping flea eggs there.

It sounds like you’ve taken many correct steps to end the infestation. However, it is going to be important to identify the animal host, and to ensure it’s gone and can’t come back. Otherwise the infestation will continue. This makes your situation a little tricky, because, in most cases, pets are the primary host and can be treated.

You may want to consider hiring a reputable pest control specialist. They can help identify the flea species, which will give a better idea of the host. And they can help identity, locate, and get rid of whatever the host is.

Warm regards,

WebAndNetdotcom replied 6 years ago

Thank you very much!

RobertEchols answered 6 years ago

Hello, sorry to hear that fleas are attracted to your fabric shirt. As Adam Retzer has mentioned about the colors that fleas are most attracted to and I have also read about various colors fleas attract to but did not find orange in that color. I am also confused that why might fleas be hiding on higher surfaces? It is great that you have taken some measures trying to stop the infestation, but I think they will be back again to annoy you. I would suggest that you should try consulting some professional Pest Exterminator Fairfield County CT that uses IPM technique that gives fast, effective and permanent pest solutions. So you can try out this or can also look for more help online.
