Neighbor's fleas out of control?

QuestionsCategory: Flea InfestationsNeighbor's fleas out of control?
Shannon asked 6 years ago

Hi there!
I have a neighbor who is a dear sweet woman and she loves my dogs. In fact, she grooms and babysits them when I have to go out of town. The problem is another dog she grooms is not well cared for and her home is infested with fleas. The other day I took my dogs to her house and within minutes my Maltese had about 20 fleas on him! She insisted that she had just sprayed her house with Black Flag spray and that they must have come from somewhere else. I KNOW they came from her house. Does that spray really work?

1 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 6 years ago


I sounds like it would be wise to treat your dog and your house. You are probably going to have an infested home soon if your home and dog are untreated. There are likely many, many flea eggs developing in your home already. It will take around 17-26 days before those eggs start becoming adults you will notice. Get your dog on some type of monthly flea control (generic Frontline Plus is an inexpensive option).

I looked up the Black Flag Flea Spray. It contains an adulticide, and more importantly, an insect growth regulator. It should be fairly effective. However, no spray will immediately end an infestation. 95-99% of populations consist of eggs, larvae, and pupae living hidden in the environment. There, many are protected from control measures. They will emerge as adults to infest untreated animals in the home.

