New flat, fleas and lots of carpet, but no pet.

QuestionsCategory: Flea InfestationsNew flat, fleas and lots of carpet, but no pet.
danerobert asked 7 years ago

Hello, I have recently moved into a new property after sharing as a student for three years prior. Upon moving in I have discovered a flea infestation. It turns out the previous tenant had a cat, so I can only assume I have inherited them from this. It’s onlt a small 1 bedroom flat but living room, passage and bedroom are carpeted. After noticing a couple of bites around my legs and ankles and spotting a few fleas myself I decided to contact the letting agency who sent pest control out to spray my flat. I have also treated the flat with Indorex a number of times myself, continuously vacuumed, including vacuumed sofa and other furniture. Pest control are coming out for a second time next week I have only noticed 1 flea since but wondering if this is normal? The bites have stopped, thank God!  Dane

1 Answers
Best Answer
Adam Retzer Staff answered 7 years ago


Your assumption is likely correct about the previous tenant’s cat’s infestation.

It sounds like you should be in the clear soon. You’ve chosen an effective spray, and vacuuming regularly is a good technique to speed up the eradication process. The exterminator likely used a similar spray as you, with an insect growth regulator (IGR) like pyriproxyfen or methoprene.

It is normal to see fleas here or there for a while after proper treatment. This is because 95-99% of flea populations consist of eggs, larvae, and pupae. These immature stages reside in the the environment. Many live in protected microhabitats (e.g. base of carpets) where sprays and vacuuming can’t reach. So some patience is required until they mature, emerge as adults, and then die. But they should be the last generation.

I hope this helps!


