New fleas laying new eggs after professional spraying

QuestionsCategory: Flea InfestationsNew fleas laying new eggs after professional spraying
Cherie asked 8 years ago

We recently found some fleas on some chairs our deceased cat slept in. 
We had the house professionally sprayed and he used Pyrethrin.
We have no animals at all anymore.
I am wondering can the newly hatched fleas bite us enough to lay more eggs?
We are 2 days post spray and finding some new baby ones that the vaccuming obviously hatched.
We have hardwood floors throughout apart from a rug in the lounge.
If we continue to vaccum for 8 weeks should we get completely rid of them?
–p.s I also spoke to the Exterminator but I forgot to ask about new fleas laying new eggs

1 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 8 years ago


Without any animals the home, the fleas won’t be able to lay new eggs. View our article on Can fleas reproduce on human blood. So there won’t be any new generation of fleas. You just have to contend the those still developing in the environment.

Insecticides won’t be able to kill all the pre-adult fleas in the environment. So you will likely continue to see fleas emerge here and there for around 8 weeks. Vacuuming is the best way to speed up their eradication. Then they should be completely gone.

You may see fleas for longer than 8 weeks. The cocooned adults can stay quiescent for up to 5 months. But there shouldn’t be many. And vacuuming will cause most to emerge.

Hope this helps,
