Visiting home with fleas

QuestionsCategory: Flea InfestationsVisiting home with fleas
Kelly asked 6 years ago

Hello! I am staying at my in-laws for the holidays and found out their dog has fleas. I’ve already been bitten and I found one in my 2 year olds hair. What precautions should I take to avoid bringing them home with us? And if one does come home with us, how big of a problem will it be? We do not have any pets of our own. Thank you!

1 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 5 years ago


Without pets in your own home, the fleas won’t be able to get a foothold. Fleas can’t survive or reproduce on human blood.

Also, fleas generally do not stay on people. They bite and then leave. Some may get trapped in clothes or in hair, but they shouldn’t be an issue. Again, because they can’t infest your own home without a pet there.

Warm regards,
