Will it help to put bedding in plastic bags? If so, for how long?

QuestionsCategory: Flea InfestationsWill it help to put bedding in plastic bags? If so, for how long?
Anonymous asked 10 years ago

Will it help to put bedding in plastic bags? If so, for how long?

KM replied 6 years ago

I don’t think this will help on its own – starving fleas can take a really long time. I would recommend (if you don’t want to wash the pet bedding for whatever reason – although this seems to be the most effective way of ridding the bedding of fleas) to chuck the bagged bedding into your freezer for at least a couple days.

Paintlight replied 6 years ago

Cover the bed in thick layer of dermaceous earth so you can see the white powder for up to three days, vacuums and do it again.

2 Answers
John Dozier answered 6 years ago

Or run in dryer on High Heat if you can.

Adam Retzer Staff answered 6 years ago

Putting the bedding in black plastic bags, and then setting them outside in the summer sun for a few days should kill any fleas. See At what temperature do fleas die.