Yellow rainboots for less fleas adhesion and easier detection

QuestionsCategory: OtherYellow rainboots for less fleas adhesion and easier detection
WebAndNetdotcom asked 6 years ago

Hi and thank you again Adam,
What are your thoughts on using 14 or 17 inch tall rainboots, while working in areas with fleas?   My mom’s initial trial in the garden was no fleas showed on yellow boots.  She opined the boots were too smooth for the fleas to stick to, and even if they were on, can be easily detected and brushed off before entering into house.
I have black rainboots, but unable to see whether fleas ahere to these.   Any ideas on whether fleas will stay onto rubber boots?


WebAndNetdotcom replied 6 years ago

Update. I’ve determined that fleas do jump on my black rubber boots. But these can be removed with a wipe down or slapping boot with towel. Yellow tall men’s rainboots are difficult to buy. Better to buy white 15″ tall “shrimping” marine boots. Unfortunately, the white 15″ ones are too expensive for my needs, so I went with green ones.

1 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 6 years ago

Wearing the rubber boots sounds like a good idea. The boots are taller than fleas can jump. And the fleas would have a very difficult time staying attached to the rubber, as you’ve found out.

WebAndNetdotcom replied 6 years ago

Thank you! Unlike my black rubber boots, fleas are visible on my green rubber boots designed for food workers. Haven’t seen one yet though–they may be repelled by the green rubber chemicals or shaken off when I walk.
